Friday, January 4, 2013

TGIF -- Energy Links (And Some Non-Energy Links)

Wells coming off the confidential list have been posted for Friday. BR has a great well.

RBN Energy: nice update on US exports of natural gas to Mexico; US has excess pipeline capacity; Mexico needs to increase pipeline capacity.

Photos of snowfall in Odessa.

The weather channel must have taken my comments on "Worried about global warming? Sit back and have a beer" seriously. They agree that "a bad day on earth is nothing compared to a day on Venus." And so it goes. I can't make this stuff up. Even the weather channel is turning into a blog. Smile.


  1. GMX, not broke yet.

    Anon 1

    1. According to Yahoo, GMXR is up 1,200 percent today, rising from $1 to over $7. I missed that one. Huge jump.

      Yup: a reverse split. Smile.
