Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Are Others Saying?

For newbies: if you are interested in what others are saying elsewhere, click on "Western Union" at the top of the blog. There you can click on folks who comment on the Bakken at other sites. There are a number of folks who post some very informative comments.

"David," for example, has a great post comparing Whiting and EOG in neighboring townships in the Bakken. I've noticed the same thing.
Remember there was something of a disagreement going on a couple years ago whereby Whiting was setting up for twin near N-S wells on stand up 1280s on nearly all of their leases in Van Hook R91 and 92 W whereas  EOG was insisting for the area they were drilling geologically the NW-SE shorter-lateral wells on 640 spacings in R90 were correct, I think Whiting won this argument. Hunt has always drilled wells that are more nearly straight N-S than EOG on the eastern edge of the Parshall field, with mostly good results. They started doing all 640s about the same time EOG was drilling 640s but in the last year or so have gone to twin wells on 1280 spacings.The townships to look at are 153 89 and 154 89 if you want to see exactly how these wells are going to be positioned relative to existing wells.

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