Monday, November 7, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy in Williston, North Dakota -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

It is impossible for me to find the words to describe how much traffic there is in Williston. It is truly incredible.

All I can say is "thank goodness" for the vision some city leaders had years ago with roads, intersections, etc.  The signal lights also seem to be set about right to keep the traffic moving. I'm sure I'm in the minority on my enthusiasm for how good things are going, but as Norwegians always say, "it could be worse."

And folks keep arriving daily.

About two weeks ago, I was looking for a specific location out in the Bakken where there was new construction. I talked with a surveyor who happened to be there. He was unable to help. It turned out he had arrived in Williston only hours earlier that morning.

Today, I ran into a young man and woman, general contractors. It turns out they had arrived from Alaska yesterday; he from Fairbanks; she from Anchorage.

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