Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reminder: For Those Interested In Knowing Specifics About Fracture Stimulation for A Specific Well

This is a reminder for those who are interested which company fracture stimulated which well and what components were used: this link will take you to the national registry.

From what I can tell, the registry still lists few North Dakota wells and some operators are not on the drop-down menu, most notably BEXP. At least I didn't see "BEXP" or "Brigham" but I often miss things, going too fast.

But it's a start and over time, I assume it will improve.

The raw data is not provided, but the percent of each component is provided. For example, in a Whiting Mountrail well, 83% was water, and white sand was the proppant, comprising 16% of the total. That accounts for 99% of fracture materiel; the rest of the components on a percentage basis were negligible. For example, table salt (sodium chloride) accounted for 0.07 percent.

If one is interested, one can then go the NDIC well file, and find out the amount of sand used, and then back calculate to find out how much of the other materiel was used.

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