Friday, September 16, 2011

Link to Administration's Proposed Jobs Bill and Its Effect on the Oil and Gas Industry -- Hunch: We Already Know, Even Without Reading the Proposed Bill

Elsewhere there is a comment about the adminitration's proposed jobs bill and its effect on the oil and gas industry.

You may want to go to the link now. It is my understanding that political ranting and raving is not permitted at that discussion group, and there is a policy at that site not to link to other such sites. [Update: that thread was removed within hours; at 9:34 a.m. CDT, that thread is no longer there.]

My hunch is that whether or not that posting stays there, it will make for lively reading until it is pulled. I am most interested in what others have to say about the posting itself. Anyone who has the time to read a presidential paper on jobs creation has too much time on his/her hands.

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