Sunday, September 11, 2011

Adobe Flash Now On iPads

As regular readers know, Apple, Inc., is my favorite company (I do not own shares in Apple).

Apple, Inc., was derided for not allowing Flash on its iPads. Despite intense pressure, Steve Jobs stood his ground: no Adobe Flash. It was klunky, prone to crashing iPads in tests, and, worse of all, an energy hog. By keeping Adobe Flash off iPads (among a few other things), Jobs was able to get the iPad to last ten (real) hours on a single charge.

Jobs suggested that Adobe might want to migrate their software to HTML5 -- "modern" software text for websites.

Well, Adobe did just that. They updated / upgraded their software and Adobe Flash should become available for iPads. Amazing what folks can do when "encouraged." By the way, Adobe sued Apple in court, saying that Apple was unfairly hurting them. I assume the lawsuit will go nowhere, if it hasn't already been dropped.

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